Python, Legacy -> cPanel Migrations

Years ago I was tasked with setting up a less manual way of migrating clients from a legacy in house site control to cPanel. The migrations would have taken years to do manually, but with a bit of elbow greae I was able to help get things done much more quickly with Python. Below is the example code from that project when I worked at 100TB.

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Import Libraries
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    #Need to enable actual logging for the notes file.

    import os

    # Making the notes file
    os.system('touch /notes.txt')
    os.system('chmod 755 /notes.txt')

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Performing the Account Review
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Directory Sizes

    # Domains/Subdomains

    # Email Users

    # FTP Users

    # Aliases

    # Databases

    # Commands
    directory_size = 'echo -e "\n+++Directory sizes+++";echo -e "Size of /home: $(du -h ~ --max-depth=0 2>/dev/null| awk \'{print $1}\')\n"; echo -e \"Size of /: $(du -h / --max-depth=0 2>/dev/null| awk \'{print $1}\')\n\"; echo -e \"Size of /ftp/pub: $(du -h /ftp/pub --max-depth=0 | awk \'{print $1}\')\n"; echo -e "+++SSL+++"; openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -ssl2 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo \"Client may have an SSL. Check" || echo \"No SSL." >> /notes.txt'
    domains = 'echo -e \"\n+++Domains/Web Root+++\n\nNumber of Domains: $(grep ServerName /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf| sed -n -e \' /^\s*#.*$/! p\' | grep -c ServerName)\n\" &&(counter=0) | for x in $(grep -E \'(ServerName|DocumentRoot)\' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | sed -n -e \' /^\s*#.*$/!p\' | tr -d \'\011\' | sed \'s/^ *//\' | awk \'{print $2}\' | sed -e \'s/^"//\'  -e \'s/"$//\'); do while [[ $counter -lt 2 ]]; do  if [[ $counter -eq 0 ]]; then echo \"Domain: $x\"; let counter=$counter+1; break; elif [[ $counter -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e \"Document Root: $x\"; ls $x >&/dev/null && echo -e \"Size of $x: $(du -h --max-depth=0 $x | awk \'{print $1}\')\n" || echo -e \" \"; let counter=0; break; else counter=0; fi; done; done; >> /notes.txt'
    email_users = 'echo -e \"\n+++Email Users+++" && (dir=mail; for x in $(ls /usr/local); do if [ $x = imap-server-1.0 ]; then dir=imap; elif [ $x = dovecot ]; then dir=maildirs; else :; fi; done; if [[ $dir = \"mail\" ]]; then echo -e \"\nClient is using POP\"; elif [[ $dir = \"imap\" ]]; then echo -e "\nClient is using IMAP 1.0 (Not Dovecot)\"; elif [[ $dir = \"maildirs\" ]]; then echo -e \"\nClient is using IMAP (Dovecot)\"; else echo -e \"\nScript failed to get email program.\n\"; fi; echo -e \"Size of /var/spool/$dir: $(du -h /var/spool/$dir --max-depth=0 | awk \'{print $1}\')\n\";)&& cat /etc/features | tail -n+4 | grep -v mail=-1 | cut -d\':\' -f1 >> /notes.txt'
    ftp_users = 'echo -e "\n+++FTP Users+++\n"; cat /etc/features | grep -v ftp=-1 | tail -n+4 | cut -d\':\' -f1 >> /notes.txt'
    aliases = 'echo -e "\n+++Email Forwarders+++\n"&&(host="$(hostname)")| sed -n -e \'/root:postmaster/,$p\' /etc/aliases | tail -n+4 | sed -e \"s/:/@$(hostname) forwards to /g\" >> /notes.txt'
    databases = 'echo -e "\n+++Databases+++\n" && ls -alh /var/lib/mysql > /dev/null && echo -e \"Size of /var/lib/mysql: $(du -h /var/lib/mysql | sed -n -e \'/^.*\s\/.*lib\/mysql$/p\' | awk \'{print $1}\')\n\" && mysql -e \"show databases;\" >> /notes.txt'

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Making the Tarball
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Make Folders
    os.system('cd / && mkdir /migration && mkdir /migration/websites && mkdir /migration/databases && mkdir /migration/ftp')

    # Move Site Content
    os.system('cp -rv /var/www/html /migration/websites')

    # Move Databases
    os.system('for x in $(mysql -BNe \'show databases\' | grep -v \"^mysql$\|information_schema\|^test$\");do mysqldump $x > /migration/databases/$x.sql;done')

    # Move FTP users
    os.system('cp -r /ftp/pub /migration/ftp')

    # Checking Size
    os.system('du -h --max-depth=0 /migration')

    # Time to tar
    os.system('tar cvzf /migration.tar.gz /migration')

    # Remove Extra Folder
    os.system("rm -rf /migration")

    # debug
    # print repr(directory_size)
    # print
    # print repr(aliases)
    # os.exit()

    # path_out os.system(path)
    # print path_out
    # os.exit() #Debug